Did you know that if you pay your own professional fees you can claim it back through tax relief? I thought this one was common knowledge until recently, so I want to share it here to ensure everyone is aware.

If you pay your registration fees to ARB yourself there is a good chance that you are eligible for a tax relief on the fee paid. It can be backdated too!
Firstly, The Architects Registration Board (ARB), highlights on their website that you can claim tax relief on your annual registration fees if you are a UK taxpayer and have to pay fees in order to carry out your job.
Second, you need to contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and provide them with the details of your annual registration fees and the proof of payment. You can do this online if you already have a Gateway account, or make an account.
Third, you need to wait for HMRC to process your claim and send you a refund or adjust your tax code. The amount of tax relief you get depends on your income tax rate and the amount of fees you paid.
Lastly, you need to keep a record of your annual registration fees and the receipts for at least 22 months after the end of the tax year they relate to.